Everyday Saints

Lent is a time of spiritual reflection, and when I reflect on the many blessings God has given me, I realize once again what a gift the past 34 plus years with St. Vincent de Paul have been.  I’ve met so many good people, and we’ve worked together to accomplish so many good things. I’ve had the opportunity to witness ordinary people doing extraordinary things.  In my opinion, they are all saints in training.


When you hear the word saints, you may have a mental image of someone in heaven.  Sports fans may think of a man wearing a helmet and a black and gold uniform.  But to me, every time we provide a hot meal, a warm bed or a critically needed prescription, I know there’s a saint behind it somewhere.  These everyday saints share their time, talent and treasure with the needy.  They stand behind our serving line, visit the poor in their homes, and donate much needed in-kind goods and financial resources.  They make sacrifices, giving of themselves to make the world a better place.  They share our concern for our neighbor in need and reach out to others.  In the current economic climate, everyday saints are critical.  They are on the front lines in our daily battle against poverty, and they are the lifeblood of our organization.  Serving others is an important part of their spiritual journey.


I often think about the statement that “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”  In the context of our work, that’s a very true statement.  None of us are perfect, but we can all be everyday saints to people who may have made mistakes and need our help in putting their lives back together. 


Every member of the St. Vincent de Paul family is bringing the bright light of Christ to someone who desperately needs a helping hand.  As we are just days away from Holy Week and Easter, thank you for making a difference in the lives of our neighbors in need.  During this Holy Season, may God bless you and your family. 

-- Michael J. Acaldo, President & CEO, St. Vincent de Paul Charities