Build a Basket Begins its 18th Year

During this holiest of seasons, we want every child to feel God’s presence and loving hand in their lives.

What better way to reach out to a needy child than to provide an Easter basket that includes a special card with a simple message about Christ’s ultimate sacrifice. Some of the children we serve have never been told the greatest story in the history of the world – a story of supreme love and surrender to God’s will. Please help us to get the message of God’s love into the hearts and hands of needy children throughout our community.

We distribute baskets to the children served at our St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room and also to needy children identified throughout the area. We provide Easter baskets for the children at our shelter, as well as other area shelters. In addition to candy and small toys, each basket also contains a bookmark explaining what Easter is about in a brief story of Jesus’ resurrection. These young boys and girls have so little, and something as simple as an Easter basket can create a wonderful memory that will last a lifetime. Groups and families can make a big impact, but so can individuals.

Our goal this year is to, once again, distribute several thousand baskets to needy children in our community. In order to reach that goal, we need as many people as possible to get behind this effort. We encourage you to talk to your church groups, civic groups, or co-workers, about building baskets for needy children. It’s easy to do. You can purchase an Easter basket that’s already filled with candy and ready to give to a child. You can also purchase items like Easter grass, candy, crayons, and coloring books for our volunteers to use in assembling baskets. You can also make a donation that can be used to purchase the supplies we need.

We invite you to join St. Vincent de Paul, Catholic Arts and Gifts, and many others throughout our community in this effort to provide Easter baskets to needy children. You can build a basket, purchase a ready- made basket, or you can make a contribution and mail it to: St. Vincent de Paul, Build a Basket Effort, P.O. Box 127, Baton Rouge, LA 70821. You can also go online by clicking here to make a donation that will help our volunteers to build a basket. If you have questions about this effort, give us a call at (225) 383-7837, ext. O

Most importantly, we also ask you to keep the children served by this important project in your thoughts and prayers.

Build a Basket Instructions for a Happy Easter

  • A new or gently used basket.

  • Easter candy of all sorts. (No peanut products.)

  • Easter related toys, small toys, stuffed animals, crayons,

    coloring books, etc.

  • Wrap the basket with Easter cellophane.

  • Most importantly, lots of love and prayers! For drop off

    instructions go to or call us at 225-383-7837, ext. 0.