A Lenten Journey!

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Beginning of your Lenten Journey

There is no better time than the Lenten Season to think about the direction of our lives, our relationship with God, and our interaction with those around us. During this time of reflection and sacrifice, we strive to put aside materialism and envy, counting our blessings for the things we truly need.

As for the volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul, we are grateful for the opportunity to serve others, and for the people who come into our lives through this service. Otherwise, we might never have met the thousands of needy and homeless individuals we help in the course of a year. Every person we serve reminds us that life is a precious gift, and that every individual is a child of God.

The people we serve are so thankful for the help we give them, and they count their blessings for things that most of us take for granted. Your support enables us to continue Christ’s ministry, and we count our blessings for you.

In addition to giving up something for Lent, consider just giving of your time, talent and treasure to making the world a better place.

We hope that your blessings during this Lenten season are too numerous to count and that your spiritual life is filled with faith and God’s love during this holiest of seasons.